Client Story: EdgeAlliance
Based in Chicago, EdgeAlliance serves the needs of those living with HIV/AIDS, individuals living with disabilities, and veterans that are homeless. Their programs aim to achieve stable housing, improve wellness and transition towards greater independence.
We were first introduced to EdgeAlliance through one of their board members, who Numads Matt, Kerry and Ted worked with during their time at Red Cloud Indian School. He came to Numad knowing that EdgeAlliance wanted to, and could do, more to meet the needs of the greater Chicago community. EdgeAlliance wanted to access what was possible, and determine a clear path forward, and enlisted Numad to set the course.
Seeking millions of dollars to consider new infrastructure and endowment growth, Numad considered the feasibility of a multi-phase program that would not just raise dollars of immediate needs, but would also result in long-term, true philanthropic partnerships that will help to sustain the ongoing programs and work of EdgeAlliance into the future. The program envisioned would help EdgeAlliance achieve these goals in the most effective and efficient way possible, using a customized approach that built upon the unique efforts of EdgeAlliance and their current and prospective donors.
Our collaboration with EdgeAlliance included:
Developing a clear message to educate the general population and targeted audiences about EdgeAlliance;
Creating a comprehensive strategy and plan for future fundraising initiatives;
Developing a fundraising structure and position descriptions for volunteer roles;
Developing strategies and structures for volunteer leadership, volunteer committees and cultivation strategies for individual donors and foundations;
Researching top individual donor prospects;
Researching top foundation prospects;
Strategies to engage new donors and corporate partners;
A blueprint for donor research reports/profiles, as well as talking points, for implementation by EdgeAlliance staff; and,
A donor cultivation and stewardship strategy and plan to be implemented by staff.