Morning Fill Up with Ron Rosmann

Held MARCH 27, 2019 at 7am at The Garage

Ron Rosmann grew up on a farm in southwest Iowa. Alongside his wife Maria, the couple and their three sons run Rosmann Family Farms, a 700-acre certified organic farm dedicated to sustainable agriculture.

Today, the farm serves as a model for community-based food systems across the globe.

Ron sat down with Matt Ehlman, PhD of The Numad Group for Morning Fill Up on Wednesday, March 27 at The Garage. The two talked about the new and often extreme weather conditions, changing agricultural realities in the United States, and how his small family farm is looking to the future with those experiences in mind.

Ron is recognized internationally for his expertise in soil conservation practices. He has testified before the United States Congress on agricultural issues, hosted international guests seeking to learn about new farming approaches, and has been published in state and national publications and books on climate change, regenerative farming and agricultural policy over the past 35 years. The farm has been featured in National Geographic, and on ABC News and in the HBO documentary The Weight of the Nation.

He is a founding board member of the grassroots organization Practical Farmers of Iowa, which conducts scientifically credible on-farm research and supports beginning farmers, organic farmers and conventional ones who seek to make changes to better their farms.

Today, Ron and his family raise corn, soy, oats, barley, wheat, field peas, hybrid rye, popcorn, hay and pasture, and cover crops. They also have a stock cow herd of 100 red angus mother cows and 40 sows in their certified organic operation that is sold through their private label and to Organic Prairie.

News Coverage

“Morning Fill Up with Ron Rosmann”, South Dakota Public Broadcasting, March 27, 2019